The walls of our restaurants are filled with one-of-a-kind Zachary’s Pizza Art. We held our first art contest in the late 1980′s and the tradition has continued every couple of years to this day. We love our art and the artists. Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Hannah de Vries!

The first time I bit into a Zachary’s pizza was at my Uncle Bob and Tante Judi’s house near the Solano location. We used to have pizza dinners with my cousins, while our parents would enjoy their wine. There were several nights that our parents had a glass too many, which, to our child knowledge of things meant pizza AND surprise sleepovers!
Since then, Zachary’s has been an ongoing favorite family outing. My favorite Zachary’s go-to will forever be the spinach and mushroom deep dish with pesto on the top. My Dad and I usually end up fighting for the last slice.

I always loved seeing the art that hung on the walls at the Zachary’s College location, and I aspired to enter their art competition for years! Once the Pleasant Hill location opened up closer to my home town, I finally took the opportunity to create something that I was proud to call my own. I am grateful to the Zachary’s staff for their amazing years of service and pizza.
We are incredibly grateful that Hannah took the time to create such an amazing piece of art for our Pleasant Hill location. We LOVE her piece and we are excited to be able to spread the word about this amazing artist!