Illustration of a smiling woman and man holding large slices of pepperoni pizza. Text above reads, The joy of eating Zacharys Chicago Pizza is why we come back again and again. Zacharys logo is at the top.The walls of our restaurants are filled with one-of-a-kind Zachary’s Pizza Art. We held our first art contest in the late 1980′s and the tradition has continued every couple of years to this day. We love our art and the artists! 

Now 90 years fantastic, Marvin Ehrlich knows great pizza and he knows great art. We adore Marvin’s winning piece “The Joy of Eating Zachary’s is Why We Come Back Again and Again”! When we reached out to Marvin, he responded with a heart-warming, handwritten letter.Fresh dill on a wooden cutting board with a knife nearby, placed on a textured gray surface.

Thank YOU, Marvin! You are the best!