Pizza Mind Trivia- The Drag Edition with Phoebe Cakes!

Mark. Your. Calendars. Phoebe Cakes is coming to Zachary’s Grand Lake to host a special night of Drag Trivia!

A drag performer in dramatic makeup and black and gold outfit poses confidently. Text reads: Pizza Mind Trivia Drag Edition June 28th featuring: Phoebe Cakes! 6:30 - 8:30PM Zacharys Grand Lake. The background shows a bar scene.

June 28th we’re bringing the lovely and talented Phoebe Cakes for a special night of Pizza Mind Trivia- the Drag Edition at Zachary’s Grand Lake! It’s going to be a night not to be missed. Special performances will take place between rounds. Drink specials will be flowing. Minds will be thinking. Pizzas will be cooking. And the first place winner will take home a $50 Zachary’s Gift Certificate.

Event starts at 6:30pm at Zachary’s Grand Lake. You’re encouraged to come in attire should you so desire! We’d love to see it 😉 Be sure to get there early to secure your spot!

This is a special added event and not one of our normal trivia nights. Be sure to add it to your calendar so you don’t miss out! See you June 28th at Zachary’s Grand Lake.