Magazine cover titled Oakland: Best of Oakland and the East Bay. It features a person on a sailboat under a blue sky. Theres a sidebar titled The New Teen Vaping with a highlight reading Long Live Mama’s Royal Café’s New Owners Honor What Made it Special. We are super excited to announce that we won Reader’s Choice BEST PIZZA in Oakland Magazine’s Best of Oakland and the East Bay edition. This is a huge honor! We are keenly aware of the number of fantastic restaurants in the East Bay and we are truly thrilled to be acknowledged for our contribution to the pizza scene!


A close-up of a magazine page listing various restaurant awards, such as Best Mezcal, Best New Restaurant, and Best Outdoor Dining. Best Pizza is circled in red, awarded to Zacharys Chicago Pizza.

We’ll post a link as soon as the online version is available so you can check out all of the other fantastic Oakland and East Bay joints that won awards too!


Huge thanks to Oakland Magazine!